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What is Sound Healing

What is a Sound Bath?

Delve into a therapeutic and meditative experience where you “bathe” in the soothing sounds and vibrations generated by various instruments like chimes, bells and crystal bowls. As these sounds and vibrations envelop your senses, your mind effortlessly slips into a state of profound relaxation, facilitating healing at mental, emotional, and physical levels.  It is a full-body meditative experience, where you generally lie down and allow yourself to melt into the sounds of the instruments. Instead of being bathed in water, you are being bathed in sound and frequencies!

A Brief History

While sound therapy and baths may seem like a contemporary trend, its roots trace back thousands of years across diverse cultures, with origins all around the globe including in Egypt, India & China. Ancient civilisations utilised sound instruments like Tibetan singing bowls and flutes for healing purposes, highlighting the timeless efficacy of sound as a therapeutic modality. It is a well-being practice that goes by many names including but not limited to sound medicine, sound meditation, sound journeys, sound baths, sound bath meditation and sound therapy.

The Science Behind it

Sound healing taps into the power of sound vibrations to promote well-being. Two key concepts in this practice are resonance and entrainment. Resonance is when objects naturally vibrate at certain frequencies, and if another object with a similar frequency comes close, the first object will start vibrating too. In sound therapy, specific tones are used to encourage our body’s cells to vibrate optimally. Entrainment involves syncing a faster rhythm to a slower one. Our bodies have various rhythms like heart rate and brain waves. Stress or illness can disrupt these rhythms, but entrainment can help bring them back in sync, promoting relaxation or focus.

The Benefits