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Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.

Let’s talk about something real. Now, I’m not here looking for controversy, but I’m also not the type to shy away from uncomfortable truths. This one might ruffle a few feathers.

Lately, I’ve had a lot of conversations surrounding getting paid my worth—and not feeling guilty about it. Over the years, I’ve had people tell me my workshops are “too expensive” or that my private sessions are a bit steep. What always cracks me up? It’s often from people who don’t even know what I actually do.

I get it—we’re all navigating a cost-of-living crisis, and I completely understand that for many, money is tight. But here’s the thing: I too have to live and make a living. I’ve chosen to build something for myself, so I can’t simply give my time away for less than I’m worth. It always makes me laugh when the same people who think my rates are “too expensive” are the ones that will happily spend double that amount on things that actively harm their health. The irony isn’t lost on me.

I want to take a moment here to address something I hear often, just because I don’t have a formal degree doesn’t mean I lack qualifications, experience, or expertise. Let me be clear. I’ve invested thousands of pounds in training and equipment. I’ve spent over a decade refining my skills, studying techniques, and continuously educating myself. The personal wisdom I bring to the table? Priceless. There’s no textbook for that.

We’re quick to accept certain pricing norms in other industries. A massage can cost £60+ an hour, a meal at a restaurant might run you £70 per person—and we don’t blink an eye. But when I’ve spent hours meticulously planning a workshop, gathering data for client coaching, traveling, setting up, teaching, and promoting? Why should I undervalue my time?

I could’ve chosen the easier route—staying underpaid by gyms and corporations that don’t value me and will replace me at the drop of a hat. But I’ve chosen the harder route: building my own client base, putting in the work, and earning what my value deserves.

It’s not just about me though. I’ve noticed something about female business owners, especially in the wellness space: many charge drastically less than their male counterparts or feel uncomfortable charging what they’re worth. But here’s the truth: if someone truly wants to work with you, they will pay for it.

When we, especially as women, charge what we’re worth, we’re not just valuing ourselves—we’re setting a new standard for everyone in our industry. When we undercharge, we not only undervalue ourselves, but we also drag down the entire industry, making it harder for others to ask for what they deserve. This was a powerful lesson I learned from my teacher Katie Silcox, from The Shakti School.

So here’s where I stand: I charge for my worth. If I don’t, I’m telling myself that I’m worth less, and that’s simply not true. I don’t negotiate my pricing anymore. I used to, but all that did was leave me feeling undervalued and walked all over. Now, I have a set price, and it’s simple: take it or leave it. And you know what? The people who truly value my time and my work? They pay for it, and they appreciate it. That’s the kind of energy I want to work with.

I don’t accept being underpaid for cover work, for assisting at retreats, or for anything else. I’d rather hustle for the right opportunities and work harder to ensure I’m being compensated properly for my time, my skills, and my effort. My partner has a degree and often jokes that I work three times as hard as him, but get paid half as much. While it’s funny, it’s also the harsh reality. Why is that the case?

To my clients: When you see my pricing, know that it reflects everything I put into my work—the qualifications, the time, the rent, the equipment, the research, and the planning that goes into each session. And to all my fellow freelancers and self-employed folks: don’t settle for less. If you do, people will walk all over you.

I had a pivotal moment when I received coaching from Chloe Smart, a successful astrologer and entrepreneur. It really helped solidify this idea: there is always someone out there willing to pay for your time. I often think back to when I was younger, and I’d wonder how a simple line of paint on a canvas in an art gallery could sell for thousands of pounds. The answer is simple: someone deemed that work worthy of that price and value, despite what anyone else might think.

The reality is, making this work full-time in today’s economy means wearing many hats, juggling multiple roles, and pushing through so much that goes unseen. But I’ll keep pushing for fair pay. I’ll keep advocating for myself—and for all of us—to be paid what we’re worth because we all deserve it.

It’s time to stop undervaluing ourselves. The world needs us—our knowledge, our wisdom, our hard work. And the right people will see that, and they’ll pay for it. Don’t settle for less. And don’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth.

The shift starts with you.

With love,

Savannah Jayne x

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